Discord Role Color Picker

This is supposed to help you pick the best role colors, it also shows a preview for the light and dark themes of Discord.
The only thing different is the font, the one Discord uses is called "Whitney",
the main reason I dont use it is because it costs money, and its not cheap...
the second reason is because it's weird, some specific colors really bleed over into the background -_-

Its pretty self explanatory but anyway^^

  • Click on the username to change it, both in the row will be changed.
    (That on isn't as obvious as the others...)
  • Click to change the color...
  • Click to copy the color to your clipboard.
    Format will be in hexadecimal aka "#FFFFFF".
  • Click to duplicated the row.
  • Click to delete the row. You can't delete the last one.
  • Click (the big one... kinda hard to miss) to add a new row.
  • Click at the top right to hide/show the instructions (the ones you are reading right now).

BTW this site remembers your changes if you want to reset use those buttons: